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والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله
أحبائي القراء ومحبي مدونة رقي جئناكم اليوم بموضوع
جديد حول برنامج من برامج تسريع نقل الملفات
برنامج Tera Copy لنسخ الملفات من والى الحاسوب بسرعة
من اكثر المشاكل التي يعاني منها مستخدمي نظام تشغيل الويندوز هي سرعة النسخ البطيئة خصوصا عند نسخ ملف كبير الحجم حيث يجب ان تنتظر الكثير من الوقت ريثما يتم النسخ بشكل كامل ، سواء اردت القيام بالنسخ من الحاسوب إلى مفتاح USB أو العكس، ولحل هذه المشكلة سأعرفك في هذه التدوينة على برنامج صغير و ذو فعالية كبيرة حيث ستلاحظ فرقا شاسعا عند استعماله.
البرنامج يدعى Tera Copy وهو شبيه بالبرنامج الشهير SUPER COPIER لكن بميزات افضل حيث يتيح لك امكانية تسريع عملية نسخ الملفات من خلال القيام بعملية النسخ عن طريقه ، و المميز فيه هو حجمه الصغير و الذي لا يتعدى 4 ميجا و سهولة الاستعمال ، حيث ما عليك فعله هو تحميل البرنامج عبر الضغط على الرابط اسفل التدوينة، وتنصيبه بشكل عادي مع امكانية اختيار تنصيب النسخة القابلة للتتبيث أو النسخة المحمولة كما تلاحظ في الصورة.
وحينما تريد نسخ أي ملف كيف ما كان حجمه قم بالنقر على الملف بواسطة زر الفأرة الايمن ، ثم اختيار النسخ عن طريق الضغط على خيار TeraCopy ، و لتلاحظ بعدها ان سرعة نسخ الملفات زادت بشكل كبير مقارنة بعملية النسخ الافتراضية التي يوفرها الويندوز .
البرنامج رائع جدا انصحك باستعماله و ستلاحظ حينها انك لن تحتاج انتظار الكثير من الوقت عندما ترغب بنسخ الملفات الكبيرة.
مميزات البرنامج
1- برنامج سهل الاستعمال ويمكن لأي مبتديء التعامل معه بكل سهولة.
2- برنامج خفيف ولايسبب أي ثقل للنظام ولايستهلك الرام.
3- امكانية تخطيء الملفات التي بها مشاكل او هي تالفة عند عملية النقل.
4- يعرض لك البرنامج عند الانتهاء تقرير تفصيلي على الملفات التي نقلها.
5- امكانية عمل ايقاف للملفات التي تقوم بنقلها ثم اعادة استكمال النقل.
6- يدعم انظمة الويندوز كلها.
7- البرنامج يدعم عدة لغات مختلفة .
One of the most common complaints about newer versions of Windows is the slow copying speed, especially when transferring lots of files over the network. If you want to speed up your copying or if you regularly transfer large amounts of data and have to stop the process to perform some other disk-intensive task, this program may be just what you need.
TeraCopy is designed to copy and move files at the maximum possible speed. It skips bad files during the copying process, and then displays them at the end of the transfer so that you can see which ones need attention. TeraCopy can automatically check the copied files for errors by calculating their CRC checksum values. It also provides a lot more information about the files being copied than its Windows counterpart. TeraCopy integrates with Windows Explorer's right-click menu and can be set as the default copy handler.
Copy files fasterTeraCopy uses dynamically adjusted buffers to reduce the seek times. Asynchronous copying speeds up the file transfer between two physical hard drives.
Pause and resume file transfer activitiesPause the copy process at any time in order to free up system resources and continue with a single click.
Error recoveryIn case of a copy error, TeraCopy will try several times to recover and, in the worse case scenario, will simply skip the file, not terminating the entire transfer.
Interactive file listTeraCopy shows the failed file transfers and lets you fix the problem and recopy only the problem files.
Shell integrationTeraCopy can completely replace the Explorer copy and move functions, in turn enabling you to work with files as usual.
Full Unicode support.
Windows 8 x64 support.
TeraCopy is designed to copy and move files at the maximum possible speed. It skips bad files during the copying process, and then displays them at the end of the transfer so that you can see which ones need attention. TeraCopy can automatically check the copied files for errors by calculating their CRC checksum values. It also provides a lot more information about the files being copied than its Windows counterpart. TeraCopy integrates with Windows Explorer's right-click menu and can be set as the default copy handler.
Copy files fasterTeraCopy uses dynamically adjusted buffers to reduce the seek times. Asynchronous copying speeds up the file transfer between two physical hard drives.
Pause and resume file transfer activitiesPause the copy process at any time in order to free up system resources and continue with a single click.
Error recoveryIn case of a copy error, TeraCopy will try several times to recover and, in the worse case scenario, will simply skip the file, not terminating the entire transfer.
Interactive file listTeraCopy shows the failed file transfers and lets you fix the problem and recopy only the problem files.
Shell integrationTeraCopy can completely replace the Explorer copy and move functions, in turn enabling you to work with files as usual.
Full Unicode support.
Windows 8 x64 support.
Features of TeraCopy 3
• Copy files faster: TeraCopy uses
dynamically adjusted buffers to reduce seek times. Asynchronous copy
speeds up file transfer between two physical hard drives.
• Pause and resume file transfers. Pause copy process at any time to free up system resources and continue with a single click.
• Error recovery: In case of copy error, TeraCopy will try several times and in the worse case just skip the file, not terminating the entire transfer.
• Interactive file list: TeraCopy shows failed file transfers and lets you fix the problem and recopy only problem files.
• Shell integration: TeraCopy can completely replace Explorer copy and move functions, allowing you work with files as usual.
• Full Unicode support.
• Pause and resume file transfers. Pause copy process at any time to free up system resources and continue with a single click.
• Error recovery: In case of copy error, TeraCopy will try several times and in the worse case just skip the file, not terminating the entire transfer.
• Interactive file list: TeraCopy shows failed file transfers and lets you fix the problem and recopy only problem files.
• Shell integration: TeraCopy can completely replace Explorer copy and move functions, allowing you work with files as usual.
• Full Unicode support.
TeraCopy Change Log
Version 3.0
- Improved Destination File Dialog.
- Pinnable expanded views.
- Fixed: Error in overlapped reading.
- Fixed: Drag and Drop from 7-Zip File Manager causes Unable to Access error.
- Fixed: Checksum file saved in wrong path.
- Fixed: When started after install, error occurs.
- Fixed: Crash at the end of each copy.
- Fixed: No checksum verification when moving files.
Version 3.0
- Improved Destination File Dialog.
- Pinnable expanded views.
- Fixed: Error in overlapped reading.
- Fixed: Drag and Drop from 7-Zip File Manager causes Unable to Access error.
- Fixed: Checksum file saved in wrong path.
- Fixed: When started after install, error occurs.
- Fixed: Crash at the end of each copy.
- Fixed: No checksum verification when moving files.
TeraCopy Pro Features:
– You can also buy a Pro version of the program that lets you do the following:
– Copy/move to favorite folders.
– Select files with the same extension/same folder.
– Remove selected files from the copy queue.
– Get free updates and priority support.
– More features coming soon!
– You can also buy a Pro version of the program that lets you do the following:
– Copy/move to favorite folders.
– Select files with the same extension/same folder.
– Remove selected files from the copy queue.
– Get free updates and priority support.
– More features coming soon!
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